【視頻】解放奧斯威辛集中營八十周年 馬克龍將出席紀念活動
1945 年 1 月 27 日,蘇聯紅軍解放了坐落在波蘭的奧斯威辛-比克瑙集中營。奧...
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Beaming with magnificent scenery, the renowned and prestigious nation of Monaco is the second smallest in the world. Less than one square mile in size, the Mediterranean city-state is bordered by France on three sides. Rocky terrain and steep hills dominate most of Monaco’s landscape, and the climate is mild year round. The principality of Monaco has been governed by a constitutional monarchy, the royal Grimaldi family, since 1297.
Nearly half of the 30,000 people living in the nation are indigenous to France, and French is the official language. The nation’s breathtaking vista, beautiful weather, and exquisite French cuisine make Monaco the vacation destination of choice for the wealthiest people in the world. Foreign businesses are attracted to Monaco by its lenient and advantageous tax laws, and expatriates from around the world make up the majority of the population. Home to more millionaires per capita than any other nation, Monaco has no income tax for its residents. Since the opening of the famous Monte Carlo Casino, gambling and tourism have become the leading industries in the nation’s economy.
Monacans enjoy the freedom to worship, however all forms of proselytism are strongly discouraged. Roman Catholicism is the state religion, and 84% of Monacans profess Christianity, however a mere 1% are evangelicals. Affluent living standards and overall material abundance result in many hardened hearts towards the Gospel. There is great need for Monacans to realize the beauty and completeness that comes from eternal life and eternal treasures compared to those that will so quickly fade away. The expatriate community is vast and the Catholic, Anglican, French Reformed, and evangelical churches are seeking to serve this segment of society. Supernatural wisdom and discernment are needed for effective evangelism, and only God can change the hard Monacan hearts.
9:37 AM
Constitutional Monarchy
French, English, Italian, Monegasque
Data sources.
1945 年 1 月 27 日,蘇聯紅軍解放了坐落在波蘭的奧斯威辛-比克瑙集中營。奧...
1945 年 1 月 27 日,苏联红军解放了坐落在波兰的奥斯威辛-比克瑙集中营。奥...
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