Pray for countries around the world.
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8+ billion people. 207 countries. Only God can do this. So we pray.
Pray for Nations
Each country has its own unique culture and people. We’ve prepared extensive prayer guides for every nation so you feel prepared to enter into intercessory prayer for them.
Pray for Religions
It’s important to know more about the differing faiths in the world. This lets us find common ground and entry points into sharing the gospel. Learn about world religions with our helpful write-ups and videos.
Pray for Muslims
There are approximately 2 billion Muslims in the world. That’s almost a quarter of the population! Understanding this ancient, Abrahamic religion shows us how desperately they need the gospel, and how close they are to knowing it.
Pray for Chicago
Pray for Special Topics
War, natural disasters, and human rights violations happen every day. It can be hard to follow along with the whirlwind of news. Here, you’ll find a curated list of current events that need significant prayer.