Prayer Points

  1. Pray for God's provision for the 90% who are unemployed in this predominantly Christian nation.
  2. Pray for  the despair of people's economic condition to turn their softened hearts to Christ.
  3. Pray for great spiritual growth in the midst of increased poverty

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About Nauru

Thousands of miles from any other land, the tiny island of Nauru sits isolated in the Pacific. Home to just over 10,000 people, this small island of only 21 square miles is the world’s smallest republic. When first discovered, it was named “pleasant island” in reference to its lush vegetation and friendly culture. But Nauru is a land of drastic contrasts. Although its location is exotic, its people are quite westernized. The island has seen both independence and brutal occupation, immense wealth and dire economic meltdown.

Early in the 20th century, phosphate mining became central to this small nation’s economy. With four-fifths of the island being mined out, though, development came at great cost. As phosphate resources decreased, off-shore banking became a source of immense and immediate wealth. With this increasing wealth came decreasing health. Today over 50% of the population suffers from diabetes, and 90% are overweight and unemployed. With phosphate resources dwindling, the mining industry is no longer a source of substantial income. Off-shore banking was ended to sever ties with money-laundering and criminal activity. These factors, along with immense debt, plunged Nauru into economic ruin. With few jobs, little to no income, and heavy dependence on imports for all its major needs, this nation is in grave economic danger.

Having received the Gospel in the early 1900s, Nauruans are still quite religious (91.5% Christian), with most attending church on a regular basis. Their nation’s motto, “God’s will first,” signifies their deeply religious roots. But, for many, their faith is works-based, with little understanding of the Gospel. As the economy has crashed, many are seeking answers, and churches are growing. With the JESUS film seen by the entire island and the Bible translated into Nauruan in the 1930’s, the people of Nauru have received the opportunity to hear of salvation found in Jesus and his work on the cross.



Population In Unreached People Groups




Major People Groups
  • Nauruan
  • I-Kiribati
  • Other
  • Fijian
Population In Unreached People Groups


  • Protestant
  • Roman Catholic
  • Other
  • None
  • No Answer

6:07 PM


  • Capital City

    No Official Capital; Government Offices In The Yaren District

  • Government

    Parliamentary Republic

  • Language

    Nauruan, English, Other

  • GDP Per Capita


  • Literacy Rate


Data sources.

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