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Las autoridades de la Fiscalía de Moca, en la provincia Espaillat, interrogaron este martes 11 de ...
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Christopher Columbus explored the modern nation of the Dominican Republic on his first voyage to the New World in 1492. He stepped upon the rugged highlands and lush valleys of the island nation that occupies the eastern two-thirds of Hispaniola, between Cuba and the eastern Caribbean islands and located in the middle of the hurricane belt. Since Columbus’ voyage, the Caribbean nation has endured a process of colonization and independence four times. After finally gaining their independence from the United States in 1924, the Dominican Republic was ruled as a dictatorship until 1961. Since then it has functioned as a democratic republic.
Poverty continues to plague the nation, with a select few controlling much of the wealth and a true middle class ceasing to exist. President Medina has stated, “This is a country that has created a lot of wealth in recent years. My job is to make sure that wealth trickles down.” At the bottom of this poverty cycle are the estimated 800,000 undocumented Haitian immigrants and refugees living in the Dominican Republic who are often exploited and poorly paid. The government has been known for its corruption and has resisted efforts toward reform and transparency despite the many Dominicans who suffer from unjust distribution.|The Church in the Dominican Republic is rapidly growing, as Pentecostal and charismatic churches are reporting large increases in numbers. Evangelical ministries have also been effective in the nation, as the numbers doubled between 1990 and 2010. Cross cultural missions remain critical, with as many as 4,000 villages who still have no evangelical witness. Afro-Spiritism is prominent and has influenced the beliefs of many Christians who, as a result, practice a mixture of Christianity and Afro-Spiritism.
10:21 PM
Santo Domingo
Presidential Republic
Data sources.
Las autoridades de la Fiscalía de Moca, en la provincia Espaillat, interrogaron este martes 11 de ...
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