Prayer Points

  1. Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit that replaces national rebellion with widespread repentance.
  2. Pray for radical love for God and people to heal and unite a divided Church.
  3. Pray for godly men and women to take courageous and humble leadership.
  4. Pray for vast resources to be leveraged for God’s glory among all nations.

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About USA

Long known as a land of opportunity, the United States of America (USA) has the greatest ethnic diversity of any country in history. Although it is primarily a nation of immigrants, there are 574 federally recognized Native American people groups. As the fourth largest country, its fifty states include diverse landscapes of tropical beaches, mountain ranges, rolling prairies, barren deserts, and dense wilderness. Millions of tourists are drawn each year to admire its 63 national parks and visit its biggest cities, including New York and Los Angeles. Home to Hollywood, Los Angeles is the center of America’s film industry, which, like the country itself, has enormous global influence.

Though still a young nation (1776), the USA has become a world leader economically, militarily, and technologically, and remains the world’s largest and most diverse economy. This democratic republic has played a historically vital role as a proponent of global democracy and freedom and has often been a provider of aid and stability around the world. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 deeply impacted the country and led it to declare a war against terrorism. In the following years, America suffered through an economic crisis that led to a global recession. And today, the USA faces deep political and societal divisions. Many moral questions have moved from the social to political spheres, with ongoing debates on the legalization of issues such as abortion and physician-assisted suicide. Mass shootings have plagued the nation, and issues of immigration have become volatile. While racial equality has improved a great deal after a long and ugly past of slavery, recent racial tensions have continued to spark violent protests.

The USA has a rich Christian history and was founded on Biblical principles and values. Freedom to exercise religion was written into the constitution and has drawn many to its shores to escape persecution. Throughout its history, a number of widespread revivals have swept across the country. The many evangelical movements and organizations founded here have impacted the entire world. America remains the world’s largest missionary-sending country. Even so, the Church faces alarming decline and deep divisions. Roughly 65% of Americans claim to be Christian, yet only around 30% of adults say that faith is important in their life. Consumerism, moral relativism, immorality, and an independent mindset have infected nearly every part of society, including the Church. Satisfaction is sought primarily through pleasure and materialism. This nation holds unparalleled resources and potential to influence the world for good and spread the Gospel. Yet it stands in desperate need of repentance and revival.



Population In Unreached People Groups




Major People Groups
  • White
  • Black Or African American
  • Two Or More Races
  • Other
  • Asian
  • Indigenous And Alaska Native
  • Native Hawaiian And Other Pacific Islander
Population In Unreached People Groups


  • Protestant
  • Unaffiliated
  • Roman Catholic
  • Jewish
  • Other
  • Church Of Jesus Christ
  • Other Christian
  • Muslim
  • Jehovah's Witness
  • Buddhist
  • Hindu
  • Don't Know/refused

9:30 PM

  • Capital City

    Washington, DC

  • Government

    Constitutional Federal Republic

  • Language

    English Only, Spanish, Chinese, Other

  • GDP Per Capita


  • Literacy Rate


Data sources.

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If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. —John 14:14

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