Western South Asia – Afghanistan, Pakistan and north and western India – boasts a population of about 750 million, with roughly 325 million Muslims.
Nearly all of Afghanistan and much of the north of Pakistan and India contain very rugged and spectacularly beautiful mountainous terrain. The landscape and climate across the region vary enormously, with cold dry mountainous areas, inland deserts, extensive forests, fertile farmland, and tropical forests.
A wide variety of tribal peoples live in the region, with the largest Muslim peoples being Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi, Hazara, Tajik, Kashmiri, and Gujarati. Urdu is widely spoken by Muslims in Pakistan and in western parts of India. After Urdu, the major languages spoken by Muslims in the region are their ethnic languages.
Most of Pakistan and northwest India is very densely populated, and this region contains several of South Asia’s largest cities – with rapid modernization, industrialization, and extensive poverty.