In the Quran, Muslims are encouraged to be steadfast in prayer (chapter 2, verse 43) to seek Allah’s help through prayer (2:45) to prepare properly (5:6) to be diligent in the obligatory prayers and to have a devout attitude when approaching Allah (2:238). In 5:91, Muslims are warned that Satan will always want to distract them from prayer.
In addition to the Quran, Muslims rely on the “sayings and doings” of Muhammad, known as the sunna, to guide them not only in the practice of prayer, but in every detail of life. One interesting event recorded in the sunna (al Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 345) describes a journey Muhammad took to the first level of heaven – there are several in Islam – with the angel Gabriel. There Muhammad encountered Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
When Moses asked Muhammad how many times Allah had commanded his followers to pray, Muhammad responded, “Fifty.” Moses told Muhammad this would be too burdensome he should appeal to Allah to reduce this number.
The first time Muhammad implored Allah, it was reduced by half. Moses thought that was still too much. Muhammad went back a second time, and it was reduced by half again. Still too difficult, according to Moses. Muhammad returned to Allah a third time, and the five daily prayers were settled.