
Youssef's Story

From denying Christ to serving in ministry

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Action Steps

  1. WATCH Youssef discover why he should follow Jesus openly!
  2. REJOICE in the ways God shows His faithfulness!
  3. PRAY for millions of Muslims across North Africa to receive salvation in Jesus!

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About Youssef’s Story

The vast majority of Moroccans follow Islam. But God is still revealing Himself. As we pray, remember that Muslims are loved by God and created in His image – not some stereotype of Islam.

Youssef was surrounded by them.

Youssef was born to newly-Christian parents, but all of his neighbors were Muslim. He was afraid of his neighbors and what they thought of him. But at the same time, his neighbors were afraid of his family.

Youssef was confused. How is it that “God is love” – and yet all the Muslims are wrong? After all, if your parents were Christian, then you were a Christian. And if your parents were Muslim, then you were Muslim.

Or so Youssef thought.

Would Youssef learn what it means to be a Christian? Would he ever stop fearing what people think of him?

Thanks for praying

He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord and He will repay him. —Proverbs 19:17

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