Contra la política migratoria de Donald Trump, Los Ángeles se declara 'ciudad santuario'
Mientras Donald Trump ha anunciado su intención de llevar a cabo deportaciones masivas de migrante...
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It takes less than an hour to fly across the small Central American country of Costa Rica, sandwiched between its coastal borders of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. While the country is only one-tenth the size of France, it is home to over five million people. Costa Ricans, or Ticos, enjoy beautiful rain forests and hot springs heated by underground streams of molten lava. The natural beauty and political stability of Costa Rica draw flocks of tourists each year. Costa Ricans enjoy the highest standard of living in Central America.
Even with the thriving economy, 16 percent of Costa Ricans live in poverty. Costa Rica is also burdened with hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguan refugees fleeing the extreme poverty and instability in Nicaragua. The cultural differences between these two people groups have made adjustment to the new living arrangements difficult for both parties.
Catholicism has long been a part of Costa Rican culture and with a charismatic renewal, mass attendance and the number of practicing Catholics is increasing. Evangelical churches in Costa Rica have been growing in recent years with evangelicals making up nearly 14 percent of the population. Today churches in Costa Rica are confronted with how to minister to the Nicaraguan refugees. A long-standing battle with cults and spiritist groups is challenging the church as well.
2:20 AM
San José
Presidential Republic
Spanish, English
Data sources.
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