
Mirbek's Story

Saved from sin; filled with joy

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Action Steps

  1. WATCH Mirbek discover just how much Jesus has to offer!
  2. PRAISE God that he can reach even the most hostile hearts!
  3. PRAY for millions of Central Asian Muslims to put their trust in Jesus!

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About Mirbek’s Story

Since the break up of the Soviet Union, Islam’s dominance over Central Asia has only grown. But God is still changing hearts. Remember when we pray for Central Asia that these Muslims are real people whom God loves. People like Mirbek.

Mirbek grew up in a Muslim family in Kyrgyzstan, but they were not devout and did not practice Islam.

One day, he ran into an old friend who had a problem with stealing. But somehow, his friend had stopped. Mirbek asked him how he did it, and his friend said that he had started following Jesus.

This made Mirbek angry – his friend had betrayed Islam! He grudgingly attended a service with his friend and was shocked to see about one hundred Kyrgyz people there! Mirbek knew that if he had had a gun, he would have killed everyone there.

Would Mirbek follow through with this violence? Would he ever overcome this anger? What could possibly cause him to take a second look at Jesus?

Thanks for praying

He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord and He will repay him. —Proverbs 19:17

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