Neue Weltordnung: Donald der Grosse
Die Schweiz braucht eine neue Aussen- und vor allem Aussenwirtschaftspolitik. Europa ist im Niederga...
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The breathtaking Alps, stunning lakes, medieval cities, and farming communities combine to give Switzerland its world-renowned beauty that draws many admirers. Over 700 years of history magnify its allure. German, French, Italian, and Romansch are all official languages. There is much cultural diversity between life in the mountain valleys and life in the densely populated cities. Today, Switzerland is home to one of the highest proportions of foreign residents.
Founded in 1291, Switzerland is one of the world’s oldest existing republics. Its centuries-old neutrality have allowed the nation to become one of the wealthiest in the world, with one of the highest per person incomes. The successful economy is based on trade, tourism, and banking. Pressure from the European Union and the United States has forced historically secretive Swiss banks to share account details in order to combat tax evasion. Switzerland has a unique commitment to neutrality, even throughout two world wars waged around it. Its system of democracy, where citizens have more power than in a representative model, is unparalleled. One of the few countries in western Europe to not join the EU, Switzerland allows for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people resulting in rapid population growth. Immigrants now make up a quarter of the population.
Switzerland’s Christian heritage is represented by great reformers such as Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin. This nation is greatly divided between Catholics (35%) and Protestants (22%). Immigration has led to an increase in many other religions. Wealth and spiritual indifference have greatly hindered the Church, leaving few with a biblical understanding of Christianity. Youth are experimenting with eastern religions and the Occult. Both Catholic and Reformed churches face decline yet active movements for renewal exist. And a fresh commitment to evangelism is growing. Youth ministries and evangelical churches are working hard to adapt to reach those disinterested in traditional models of the institutional Church.
10:56 PM
Federal Republic
German, French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Albanian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Romansh, Other
Data sources.
Die Schweiz braucht eine neue Aussen- und vor allem Aussenwirtschaftspolitik. Europa ist im Niederga...
Die Schweiz braucht eine neue Aussen- und vor allem Aussenwirtschaftspolitik. Europa ist im Niederga...
Die Schweiz braucht eine neue Aussen- und vor allem Aussenwirtschaftspolitik. Europa ist im Niederga...
Die Schweiz braucht eine neue Aussen- und vor allem Aussenwirtschaftspolitik. Europa ist im Niederga...
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