Unlocking The Potential Of Tokenizing Private Stocks: Insights From Robinhood CEO On The Power Of Crypto
(MENAFN - Crypto Breaking)Cryptocurrency demonstrates the potential to tokenize private stocks, acco...
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Even decades after the fall of communism, Romania in eastern Europe is still working to overcome the physical, economic, and emotional damages brought about by 42 years of oppressive totalitarian rule. At the north end of the Balkan Peninsula, the Carpathian Mountains and 600 miles (965 km) of the Danube River offer scenic beauty as well as provide many resources for the nation’s economy. Rich in cultural traditions, including the folk arts of dance, music, wood-carving, weaving, and embroidery, Romania is also unique in its latin-based Romance language resulting from Roman occupation centuries ago.
Romania’s communist rule ended in 1989 with the overthrow and execution of Nicolae Ceausescu. A parliamentarian government was instituted, but much-needed economic reforms were slow to be implemented. Motivation to join the European Union (EU) accelerated many changes, and Romania was officially made part of the EU in 2007. With naval bases on its Black Sea shoreline, Romania is also a strategic asset to Europe. Corruption and economic problems persist and have left many frustrated. An estimated 25 percent of Romania’s almost 22 million people live below the poverty line.
Even though most Romanians claim to be Christian, little evidence is seen in their lifestyles. Romania has one of the highest abortion rates in the world, and difficulties from drug abuse, prostitution, and pornography reflect the emotional state of many. The largest church influence in Romania is Eastern Orthodox, which, though it survived communism, has since replaced the government in discriminating against other Christian churches. Despite this, Romania has the fourth-largest growing evangelical population in Europe. An increase in materialism, devotion to tradition, and lack of unity in denominations and churches has not stopped a growing receptivity to Jesus Christ in Romania.
5:28 PM
Semi-presidential Republic
Romanian, Hungarian, Romani, Other
Data sources.
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