Prayer Points

  1. Pray for a bold proclamation of Christ, pointing tourists and nationals alike to Jesus.
  2. Pray for the Church to care well for those caught in addictions and human trafficking.
  3. Pray for women to be honored and protected from sexual and domestic violence.

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About Aruba

In the 19th century there was a gold rush, the opening of an oil refinery, and today it is   tourism that draws people from around the world to the shores of Aruba. Its breathtaking white sand beaches, ideal tropical temperatures, and separation from the hurricane belt make this Caribbean island an ideal destination. Aruba has enjoyed a steady economy starting from the Gold rush until today. Its shores are lined with hotels,    casinos, and shops that provide employment and financial stability. With the influences of indigenous heritage, colonization, Dutch culture, and its close proximity to South America (just 20 miles to Venezuela), Aruba has a beautifully unique and diverse culture.

Once a part of the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba is now self-governing while remaining under the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Discussions of full independence have been put on hold,  not appearing urgent or necessary. Although the Netherlands controls defense and foreign affairs, the island’s government handles all local matters. With Aruba being so close to South America, it has often become a transit point for the drug trade and illegal immigration, leading to issues of money laundering and crime, for which the local government is seeking solutions.

The vast majority of Arubans would identify themselves as Christians, and most of those (about 86%) are within the Catholic church. But many Christian churches dot the island, representing all different ethnicities, backgrounds, denominations, and theologies. Christian radio and TV programs are also prominent across the island. Sadly, foreign influences via televangelists and prosperity preachers have brought division within the Church. But, with 59 out of every 100   marriages ending in divorce, 42% of births occurring outside of marriage, and many   teens experimenting with drugs, many pastors and churches see the need to come together in unity to combat declining morality with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



Population In Unreached People Groups




Major People Groups
  • Dutch
  • Colombian
  • Venezuelan
  • Other
  • Dominican
  • Haitian
Population In Unreached People Groups


  • Roman Catholic
  • Other
  • None
  • Protestant
  • Jehovah's Witness
  • Unspecified

11:32 PM

  • Capital City


  • Government

    Parliamentary Democracy; Part Of The Kingdom Of The Netherlands

  • Language

    Papiamento, Spanish, English, Dutch, Chinese, Other, Unspecified

  • GDP Per Capita


  • Literacy Rate


Data sources.

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If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. —John 14:14

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