Northwest Side

Pray for Hermosa

North West Side

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Prayer Points

  1. The high school dropout rate in Hermosa is very high. Pray for the youth in the schools to desire a bright future that could be accomplished by staying in school and for the support and encouragement from the family and friends.
  2. Many residents in Hermosa come from families with mothers as the head of the household, many of whom are very young. Pray that these young women would find their identity in the Lord instead of finding security and identity in men.
  3. Drugs, alcohol and gangs are getting a grip on many people. Pray that the power of God would break enemy strongholds over these temporary desires that seem so alluring.
  4. Limited English proficiency is a challenge to residents seeking sustainable employment. Pray for churches to respond to this major opportunity for building relationships and sharing the Gospel.

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About Hermosa

In the 1880s, Scottish immigrants were the first to settle in the area. German and Scandinavian farmers soon followed. Hermosa continued to grow due to industrial developments. By 1886, a good number of companies were established along the railroads.

Hermosa was eventually annexed to Chicago in 1889, which brought about slow municipal service and street improvements. Growth accelerated when streetcar lines were extended into the community. Hermosa’s population grew between 1980 and 1990, during which ethnic demographics shifted to be more Hispanic in nature.

Crime rates increased during the 1970s. Around 1990, poverty rates were at 17.4 percent and unemployment rates at 10.9 percent. In response, residents came together as block clubs, church groups, and organizations to voice concerns and take action against further deterioration in the neighborhood. These groups worked to combat gang problems and raise concerns about subsidized housing.

information courtesy of Moody Publishers

“Chicago Neighborhood Prayer Guide” by Dr. John Fuder with Elizabeth Koenig

Ethnic Breakdown
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • White
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Other

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He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord and He will repay him. —Proverbs 19:17

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