Why pray?
God loves Muslims. He LOVES them! He loves them SO much that He came to the earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, gave His own life as the perfect sacrifice for their sins, and then raised Himself from the grave!
And He wants all Muslims “to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)
Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Praise God, that is exactly what is happening today! More Muslims have turned to follow Jesus in the past 15 years than in the previous 1400 years combined!
But our hearts are still heavy because 1.8 billion Muslims are still living without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
And so we PRAY!
Join history's most incredible movement of God among Muslims.
Muslims around the world
Muslims are incredibly diverse and scattered around the world. Pray for the unique needs wherever Muslims live.
Muslim culture
Muslims around the world have deep and rich cultures. Pray that God will demonstrate His love in various sectors of Muslim society.
The people behind the religion
1.8 billion is a lot of people! Hear their joys and struggles and how God is transforming many lives. Then pray He will do it for millions more!
Muslim faith
Muslims are incredibly diverse, with many understandings, traditions, and beliefs – but fear and uncertainty are constant. Pray that Muslims will know freedom from fear and true assurance of their salvation!
See God at work across the Muslim world
Former Muslims share amazing stories of healing and transformation
Grow the movement
Andrew Murray once said, “The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.” It’s a bold statement. Just think about people like the Apostle Paul, Saint Patrick, Count Zinzendorf, William Carey, and Billy Graham.
And yet we at Prayercast agree with Murray with all our hearts.
Because when God’s people pray, HE MOVES.
And when God’s people pray, THEY CHANGE.
So let’s work together to grow this movement of prayer spreading around the whole world! Because we don’t just want to mobilize you to pray. We want to mobilize you to mobilize others who will mobilize others! THAT is a movement!
And we are pleading with God to unite His people around the world in ongoing, fervent, strategic prayer so that 1.8 billion Muslims would know the love of Jesus Christ and the free gift of salvation that He offers to all who believe!
Will you help grow the movement?
Browse All Love Muslims
Sects and Expressions
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West Africa
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Western South Asia
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Yerkinbek's Story
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Ylli's Story
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Youssef's Story
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Z.A. Khan's Story
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Zagi's Story
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Five Pillars
Zakat (Charity)